Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Reading, Walking, & a Melting Pot

The second week of classes ended, and I had my first 3 day weekend with plans to visit a Monastery and go for a bike ride. Friday I woke early again even without an alarm. My plan was to catch up on journaling then wander the city. I stepped out of my room to find a new roommate moving in next door. Her name is Marta and she is from Poland! I have one word to describe her: precious! We get along so great. I changed my plans and decided to spend the next 3 hours scrubbing the kitchen and bathroom while wearing pink rubber gloves. Since I now had a girl roommate, I could make signs designating a 'girls' bathroom and a 'boys' bathroom. The countries represented in this apartment alone are: Morocco, Albania, Poland, the Czech Republic, and America. We are officially a Melting Pot!
After all of the cleaning, I went on an hour walk to downtown and treated myself to dinner. I sat outside at an Italian restaurant in Haidplatz. I ordered a salad (not dressed), but the waitress gave me tomatoes with mozzarella cheese and a breadstick. Although, it was not what I expected, I still enjoyed it. I sat there for a hour outside reading a book and people watching. This semester has been very relaxing compared to the busy summer and previous semester.

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