Wednesday, September 8, 2010

The Bike Ride

On Sunday a group of about 10 met for a long bike ride. John Griffin, the program director, is a huge bike rider and keeps a bike here. We decided to bike to a town about 2 hours away and stop for a snack. The town we stopped in hosts the all boys choir, who sings in The Dom every Sunday during the school year. I brought a pb & j sandwich with me and order Minestrone soup. Most everyone ordered cafe and coffee. After the break, it was another 2 hours home. Total, we biked about 14 miles at least. Needless to say, I was very sore that night.
I was amazed at all the bike paths around Regensburg. There was as many bikers on the paths as cars on the road, maybe more. We passed by small churches, farms, and other small towns. The temperature and weather were ideal for biking. When we got back, John had us over for dinner at his apartment. The Basile's made a pasta and so had John. I tasted pesto sauce for the first time and loved it. Juan, Jessica, and I stayed for the movie with John and the Basiles. We ate an entire pan of brownies while watching Cabaret. I had never even heard of the movie, but back in the day it won many oscars. This trip has been so unique because my teachers are as much my friends as the other students. We sat and talked about our lives so far and theirs. When I signed up for Germany, I thought traveling and living in another country would be the highlights, but now I am realizing the relationships and friends I've made are the best part.

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