Saturday, August 21, 2010

Munich & Dachau

The hour and 45 minute train ride from Regensburg to Munch involved rolling hills of small towns, crops, and sunflowers. Once we arrived in Munich, we took a quick train and bus to Dachau, one of the first concentration camps during WWII. The size of the camp surprised me. The camp was huge! There were about 60 barracks in the front section alone. It certainly had a gloomy feel to it. I walked around with Jessica and Jennifer. We saw the barracks, crematorium, gas chambers, barbed wire fences, and the historical museum. I learned two interesting facts: 1) Dachau was originally to house 2,000 people but ended up taking 60,000 people. and 2) about 80 concentration camps were built during the war.
On a lighter note, back in Munich a group of us ate at Hofbrauhaus, a famous place for Bavarian food and a loud band that plays. I still haven't gotten use to no air conditioning anywhere in Germany. Today happened to be a warm day compared to the other days I have been here. It made for a hot late lunch, but the food was still good. A large group of males were enjoying themselves behind us. One thing I have noticed is the noise volume of Germans, they seemed to be so much louder than Americans, especially at restaurants.
For the rest of the afternoon, we walked around open markets, ate fresh fruit, and walked around downtown Munich. I bought raspberries and oranges. We walked into an old Renaissance church which is still being repaired from the bombings of WWII. After walking the entire day, we sat for another train ride and made it back safely to Regensburg.

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