Friday, August 20, 2010

First Week in Regensburg

The airport experience to Regensburg began the typical way: both of my bags were overweight. Luckily, my mom and I moved things around so everything fit. What happened next was truly an amazing dose of luck. I got to ride first class from Atlanta to Germany next to my mom. We ate tons of delicious food- coffee, bread, salad, mahi-mahi, & tiramisu- all for free.
After arriving in Munich, we took a shuttle van on the Otto-Ban (no speed limit highway) for an hour ride to Regensburg. The van dropped us off in front of my dorm where I experienced my first bit of culture shock. I live in a suite with 5 bedrooms that share a kitchen, 2 toilets, 2 showers, and 5 sinks---with all males. I have never lived with boys before except for my father and brothers. The boys are from Romania, Morocco, and Argentina. We communicate in broken English, which is very nice of them. Although living with boys is different, I do have a spacious, clean room with a porch all to myself.
One nice aspect of Regensburg is that everything is within walking distance. Directly across the street is the Netto, a grocery store. My mom and I spent a while wandering through the store attempting to understand German labels. Also, right outside the dorm is a bus station that will take me to campus or downtown. Walking downtown and to campus is not a bad walk either.
Thanks to Jessica (a girl on the trip with me), we ate dinner with some students she met in our dorm for dinner at a Medieval restaurant. Sebastian (from Germany), Leila (from France), and Bernie (from Salzburg) all know great English. We had such a nice dinner getting to know everyone.
Other interesting highlights:
1) one scoop of Gelato ice cream with a cone cost 1 euro = $1.27
2) coca-cola light takes like regular coke
3) Germans recycle everything!
4) never jay-walk
5) there are lots of mexican restaurants in Germany??
6) Germany as a 24 hour clock so when you set your alarm, you don't worry about am or pm
7) bakeries are on every corner, these people like their bread and danishes
Along with lots of eating and walking, a group of us took a train to Straubing for a festival. It was very similar to an American carnival or fair. Lots of food, music, and more food. So far, we have had an orientation for classes, eating at the cafeteria (the Mensa), and getting connected to the internet, finally. Tomorrow begins the traveling! Cities/countries coming up are Munich, Salzburg, and Switzerland!


  1. Amelia!
    I am so pumped to read about your trip! It seems like you are having an amazing time. And your flight luck was welllllll worth it, after traveling to Germany (to get to Poland) this summer I would have LOVED to have been in first class. But regardless of the room or the trip I hope you are enjoying yourself! I am praying for you!!! Miss you!

  2. -kaci (sorry I was a bit confused on how this worked)

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