Monday, December 6, 2010

Verona & Juliet's House

We stepped off the train in Verona and got on a bus that would take us to the city center of Verona. In the main square, Verona has an Arena similar to the Coliseum in Rome. We just took pictures of the outside since we had already heard about the activities that went on the arenas in Rome.
When we were near the homes of Romeo and Juliet, we found an open market similar to the Christmas markets in Germany. The architecture and 'feeling' of Verona is enchanted. There are colorful buildings with paintings on the sides and towers. On the map there was a "Well of Love" so we found it before Juliet's house.
I was most excited to see Juliet's house and balcony. We took our picture with the statue of Juliet in front of her wall and balcony. We paid to tour Juliet's house which was several floors. I got to stand and take my picture on Juliet's balcony! I read Shakespeare's play, Romeo and Juliet, several times over my years in school so this was a neat experience for me.
Evidently the historical society is not concerned with Romeo's house because we could only view it from the outside. After our fill of Verona, we loaded back on the train to Venice, our last stop in Italy!

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