Monday, December 6, 2010


We woke in Florence to rain, but not even weather could keep us inside. We grabbed the umbrellas and started walking to old town. About twenty minutes into the walk it started to pour rain, so we ducked into a coffee shop for cappuccinos. By the time we finished our drink and looking at the window displays, the rain had calmed down enough for us to go outside. Our next idea was to walk through Florence's Duomo. My mom and I lit candles in the church, which was neat. Down the street from the church we found outdoor markets. I bargained for a gray hat and mom found a neat ornament.
We didn't see as much of Florence as I would have liked that morning because we took bus ride through Tuscany to Castello Il Palagio for a vineyard tour. However, the next morning we woke up early to the best day of weather we had in Italy and saw more of Florence. We did an hour loop around the main old buildings. My favorite was the large bridge over the river with lots of shops on the bridge. Mom kept saying, "They just don't make them like the use to." She is completely right. In Florence it is easy to tell of the of different styles of architecture through the years because all of the buildings are so different. Italy has so many beautiful cities with colorful buildings, cobble stone streets, and great shops!

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