Monday, November 22, 2010

Paris, France

While leading up to my weekend in Paris, I began reading Julia Child's book "My Life in France," as preparatory work for what to expect in this unknown country. If you have never read Julia's book, it is a must for those who love travel, food, and a life well lived. For this weekend getaway, I had a new travel partner, Marta, who is my polish roommate. We boarded a night train in Munich that left at 10: 43 from Munich to arrive in Paris at 9 in the morning. We reserved seats earlier in the week in a cabin of 6 seats. Luckily, we sat with great people who new about Paris and gave us tips for our trip!
Once we arrived in Paris, we went straight from the train station to the hotel so we could drop our bags and hit the trail. We walked along the streets of Paris, stopping in shops and department stores along the way. Champs Elysees is a famous shopping street that also has the Arc de Triomphe at the end. From the Arc we climbed to the first level of the Eiffel Tower. Finally, I saw the much anticipated Eiffel Tower. I felt dumb for not knowing Mr. Eiffel was the architect so that is where the tower got its' name.
The view from the Eiffel tower was incredible. Even with the cloudy day, I loved looking out at the Seine River. For lunch we decided to eat French cuisine. I ordered croque monsieur which contains a sandwich with melted cheese and ham. I felt very French eating my lunch and sipping a coffee.
For our first night in Paris, Marta and I met her friend (who is also Polish) for dinner at a little cafe. I was still full from lunch so I just ordered my favorite--tomato and mozzarella. After a very long day, Marta and I took the metro home so we could wake up early.

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