Monday, December 6, 2010

Thanksgiving Lunch

For Thanksgiving, my friend Jessica decided to cook our German friends the typical Thanksgiving meal. Briona, Jessica, and I went shopping for all of the ingredients on Thursday (the actual day of Thanksgiving) for the lunch on Friday. We all agreed to postpone Thanksgiving one day since we had finals to take on Thursday.
Our first difficulty to overcome in our attempt to make Thanksgiving was to find a turkey. We wandered the meat section of the Netto and found something similar to a turkey. Then, I spotted a real turkey in the frozen section! It said "Ready Turkey" on the package, but Jessica thought I said "Freddy the Turkey" so we decided to call him Freddy for the rest of Thanksgiving.
Poor Jessica took on the task of preparing the turkey to be cooked in the oven. I had no idea what you had to do to a turkey so luckily I didn't volunteer. On Friday the three cooks met in Jessica's kitchen and started preparing food at 11 for a 2 o'clock lunch. We made mash potatoes, pumpkin bread, peanut butter cookies, the turkey, green beans, corn, rolls, and macaroni casserole. We were so proud to serve the meal to our German friends. They were shocked at the amount of food on the table. In all about 10 of us ate Thanksgiving lunch together. The Germans had never had turkey before and loved the dishes we made. They all asked for the recipes. Another 'shocker' to them was the peanut butter cookies. We were all so full afterwards, but the hours of preparation were worth it.
The food honestly tasted like home!

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