Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Visiting the Monastery

The rain on Saturday did not dampen the Basiles, Briona, Kelsey, or I from traveling to the Monastery and Brewery. We met at the train station at 10 a.m. from a short train ride, bus ride, and boat ride to Weltenburg Abbey. The monastery dates back to about 620 and is the oldest monastery in Bavaria. We arrived hungry and immediately sat down to lunch. I ordered potato soup, better be safe than sorry with those German menus. In Germany it is normal to sit at long tables with several other groups. We sat down across from a couple from East Germany. They talked with us in English. They reminded us that this monastery and brewery is older than our country, which was weird to realize.
While we were eating, a couple came out of the church after getting married. They walked under an arch and these guns were shot in their honor. The flower girls and members of the wedding party were similar to the U.S. After the wedding exited, I got to see inside this church. It was stunning with all of the paintings and detailed architecture. I still am amazed every time I walk into a church here at all the detail. A couple asked us to take their picture in English and we discovered they were from Iowa. Lately, whenever I hear someone speaking in English, I feel the need to start a conversation with them.
To work off lunch, Kelsey and I hiked around the area and found a hill overlooking the monastery/brewery. From the hill, we could see the Donau River. Another church was on this hill and we went inside it, too. Around 3 we took a boat ride back to Kelheim. We sat at a cafe and ordered coffees and cake until the bus came. Kelsey and I split Apfel strudel, which was worth every calorie. I enjoy going places with the Basiles. Mr. Basile is my World Civ teacher while I am here.
After a long day, Briona, Kelsey, and I walked around the mall then went home to prepare for the day of bike riding next.

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