Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Preparation for Studying Abroad

Wow, I cannot believe spring semester is 1/2 way over, which means Germany is just around the corner! I wish I would have gotten a little more scholarship money, but the trip will continue. Only 5 more months until my feet are on European soil!!


  1. So far, I have attend one Stammtisch (German word for group gathering) and got the chance to meet several students going on the same trip as me, as well as students who have been in the past.
    I really enjoyed hearing all of their tips and advice about what to pack, expect, and places to travel.

  2. This weekend my parents came into town for my Study Abroad Orientation. It was a very long day, 8 to 3. We felt extremely overwhelmed afterwards, but found it helpful. I've decided to leave on August 15th! I can't believe it's so soon. The next few months will be spent on thinking where to visit. So far, I want to see Italy, Salzburg (Cinderella's Castle), Prague, Berlin, Paris, and many others. I am so thankful I enjoy lots of the girls going and traveling with them will be great.
